About Anna Segura

I’m Anna Segura, I’m so glad you’re here.  I am a Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner specializing in Shamanic Healing and Hypnosis.

As with most shamans, my path towards stepping into a role of a shamanic healer has been riddled with years of pain and traumatic experiences.  After suffering for a period of 5 years of tragic losses, mysterious illnesses, and life experiences that drove me to a brink of desperation, I experienced the most profound shamanic awakening in March of 2019. It took some time for me to process what this calling meant for me, my family, and the life I’ve built up until then (I was married and had a full-fledged career as a compliance & risk mgmt executive in financial services). 

It was also at this point where I learned of the lineage of indigenous shamans and healers on my paternal side of the family, as it wasn't something that was talked about or even mentioned.  I didn't even know what a shaman was until this experience.  All I knew in that moment was the deep yearning to heal myself and others, and I intuitively knew this would lead me to a more purpose-driven life I had always desired.   Despite my fears of this drastic shift in my life, I surrendered to the calling and officially launched my healing practice in January 2020 as guided by the Spirit World.  It was the most disorienting phase of my life and it required a lot of faith.

In the subsequent 5 years, my life has undergone a drastic transformation.  I've had to release everything in my life that once defined who I was, including my marriage.  It's been the hardest years to navigate but I knew deep down it was for my highest good.  Despite the tough love I've had to experience, I am deeply grateful for the healing, growth, profound transformation, and the opportunity to be of service.  

Please know that being a shaman is just one of numerous paths of service, and one is not "better than" another.  I believe we all have unique gifts to offer, and it's more about resonance, alignment, and divine timing when it comes to who you choose to partner with on your healing/spiritual journey.  Honor your intuition and explore with discernment- your soul knows the way.  

As humans we are meant to work with energy as if it’s second nature- but more in a conscious, connected way to enrich our lives, discover our true nature, and lead our lives the way we were always meant to live- connected to our heart’s center, one with all that exists in love and light.  Discovering the world of energy and the spiritual realms has brought so much peace and comfort truly knowing there's more to our existence than we were conditioned to believe. 

Everyone deserves to experience healing, peace, self-love, and self-worth.  It changes everything about you and around you in the best possible way. I truly believe all healing is self-healing, I'm just here to remind you of your magic, your own connection to God/Spirit and the spiritual realms, and empower you to awaken your own ability to heal and thrive. 

It's been so rewarding to bear witness to all of the profound transformation of my clients.  Seeing them heal, light up their own stories, and stepping into their highest purpose and paying it forward with their own unique gifts and contributions. 

It’s your time to shine courageously- you got this.

Special Acknowledgements:

First and foremost, my deepest gratitude goes to God and the Spiritual Realms.  No amount of training would have made it possible for me to step onto this path if it wasn't for the will of the spirit world.  It was my experience that half the training was with teachers in the physical realm, and the other half was taught by teachers in the spirit realm where missing puzzle pieces were provided. 

It was through the guidance of God and the spiritual realms where I found teachers, mentors and programs that supported me on this path.  The unconditional love and support from the spirit realms helped me realize the true beauty of their existence, the importance of this work, and our relationship.  I am truly humbled by the vastness of our existence and how much more learning there is to be had about the unseen realms and its true power and opportunities they hold.

In addition, I believe in a supportive community where practitioners, mentors, and teachers can all support one other without fear of competition.  I believe that anyone that is meant to work with me will seek me, and I also welcome the opportunity to serve as a bridge between clients and other practitioners. 

In the end, the ultimate motivation should be on the highest good and outcome of the client, regardless of where they may land.  It's all a form of being of service to the greater collective, and it's often easy to lose sight of that.  I hope this serves as an important reminder to anyone these words are meant to reach.

    My personal stories will be posted on my blog, YouTube, and Instagram, so be sure to check back often, follow, and subscribe to stay up-to-date. 

    Certifications & Credentials:

    I've undergone extensive training in Energy Medicine since my shamanic awakening in early 2019- a combined 480 hours of training and received Munay-Ki, Pampamesayok, and Altomesayok Rites of Initiations to practice the Indigenous Healing Traditions of the Q'ero Shamans of Peru.  I also acquired Master level certification in Reiki and 300 hours of training and Master Hypnotist certification in Hypnotherapy given the significant role these modalities played in my own healing journey.

    • The Four Winds Society (300 hours): Light Body School of Energy Medicine.  Munay-Ki Rites of Initiations to practice the Indigenous Shamanic Healing Traditions of the Q'ero Shamans of Peru.
    • Shamanic Healing Institute (180 hours): Shamanic Healing Traditions of the Q'ero Lineage of Peru- Essentials, Kawsay Journey, and Munay Way practitioner certifications completed.  Received Munay-Ki, Pampamesayok, and Altomesayok Rites of Initiations to practice the Indigenous Healing Traditions of the Q'ero Shamans of Peru.
    • Maryland Center for Reiki Training (Reiki Master): Reiki I, II, ART/Master levels of the Usui Holy Fire III lineage.  
    • Hypnosis Motivation Institute (300 hours): Certified Master Hypnotist, Accredited Diploma in Hypnotherapy.
      • Certified Past-Life Regression Therapist
      • Certified Specialist in Smoking Cessation
      • Certified Specialist in Hypnosis & Weight Loss
      • Certified Specialist in Hypnosis for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
      • American Hypnosis Association: Certified Master Hypnotist & Member